Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation is really an older concept that is evolving. In the past we used terms like paperless and electronic to help move to a more digital environment. Historically, reports even dashboards contained a lot of data that would be hard to read or contain information that was not necessary. The reports were big.
Mid-Year Planning
As we approach the summer months, now is the perfect time to evaluate your company with a mid-year review. Mid-year reviews are meant to propel a company forward by pinpointing strengths, weaknesses, financial goals, help refocus employees, and get honest with where your company is at versus where you want it to go.
5 Tips for Hiring Smart This Summer
Many small businesses are having trouble finding high quality candidates to hire that will be a good fit for their company. As summer approaches, the demand for jobs and the need to hire ramps up. Here are five-plus tips that tell you all you need to know in order to compete with other employers and identify candidates who will be the right fit at a reasonable cost.
Start your Digital Transformation with EHTC Digital
At EHTC Digital we help you begin a path towards Digital Transformation, by assessing where you are at, and identifying areas of opportunity. Digital Transformation is happening already, we can identify where it is happening and help you begin to build a strategy, moving forward.
Case Study: Rebate Tracking and Validation Problem
Problem Summary: Growing number of rebate requests coming in per month, Growing number of distributors and contract agreements, Submitted data was inconsistently formatted and came from multiple sources , Team was no longer able to validate all the incoming requests… solution?
5 Marketing Tips for CPAs and Tax Professionals
No matter the size of your firm, obtaining new clients is key for long-term growth and success— however, this is often easier said than done. At EHTC, we truly value the importance of marketing and understand its necessity in our growth. Whether you have marketing experience or not, we compiled five of our easy-to-implement tips for marketing your CPA firm.
How Are You Tracking Data to See and Predict Trends?
Even with online-hosted CRM, working from home or multiple offices, the experience is the same for the customer. The company representative has easy access to the customer’s profile and should reference that information with every interaction.
Solving Complex Inventory Challenges with Warehouse Management Software
Is your organization ready to digitize your warehouse? We have found a great partner with an outstanding solution to solve complex inventory issues. WithoutWire Inventory Sciences has an easy-to- use mobile interface and software that can be integrated into a Dynamics ERP software. (SL, GP and Business Central).
Team Member Highlight: Leslie Poot
Meet the EHTC Team! Leslie Poot is a Recruiting Director at EHTC. She joined the public accounting industry as a Human Resources and Recruiting Professional right out of college and remains in the industry working in various HR/Recruiting positions throughout the years.
Team Member Highlight: Brandon Rupert
Meet the EHTC Team! Brandon Rupert is the IT Administrator at EHTC. He started working in the business and finance industry indirectly through his work in Information Technologies (IT). Brandon joined the Marine Corps open contract and was originally assigned a Data Network Specialist position.
Form 1040: Individual Tax Return
Let’s start with the basics: what is Form 1040, and why is it important? This form ultimately determines if additional taxes are due or if the taxpayer will receive a refund. This form includes personal information, wage reporting, pensions, and other types of income. In addition to your personal information, some information regarding your spouse may also be needed, as well as the number of dependents you have.
What is Digital Transformation?
“Digital transformation” isn’t necessarily a specific strategy. It’s an ongoing process that uses technology to improve business offerings, operations, and outcomes. Today’s technology is Cloud technology, it is accessed through the Internet and it is connected to countless data sources that contain massive data points. These data sources are delivering powerful insights and trends that can help you make more informed decisions.
Custom Software Showcase: Determining What You Need
Software Development services from our team is a dynamic process where we work with you closely to improve your workflows. In the simplest terms, you have a problem with your current software, we work with you to come up with solutions, and we handle developing and deploying that solution. After it’s in place, we are available for adjustments and support.
Minimum Distributions FAQs
After a one-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, owners of qualified retirement plans and IRAs now must adhere to the rules for required minimum distributions (RMDs). The RMD rules are tricky and could result in a substantial tax penalty if you're not careful.
Year-End Planning
With year end rapidly approaching, it's time to consider making some moves that will lower your 2021 federal income tax bill— and potentially position you for future tax savings. Unfortunately, tax planning is particularly challenging this year, because the tax rules for 2022 aren't yet certain. In fact, they may not even be certain for 2021.
How Remote Workers Impact Business Taxes
What does a work-from-home workforce mean for taxes? There’s certainly pros and cons to remote work, but what should business owners and employers be aware of during this shift?