Transaction Advisory Services
Navigating through a merger or acquisition can be a complex, stressful, and sophisticated exercise.
Our team of experts and CPAs, along with our involvement in over 300 mergers and acquisition transactions across a host of industries, make us well-equipped to assist you through the transaction process. We ensure you have a thorough financial and tax analysis for your transaction, setting us all up for success. We are flexible in our scoping, to align with deal complexity and ensuring that our clients’ concerns are fully addressed.
Our typical Quality of Earnings analysis includes a deep-dive into historical operations, quality-of-earnings and adjusted EBITDA, key operational metrics, and a detailed analysis of working capital.
We work with multiple Private Equity firms and Strategic acquirers to understand key deal issues and risks identified while acquiring an entity. Our experience includes carve-out transactions, distressed situations, platform acquisitions, and roll up strategy.
Clients and buyers alike hate surprises. Our team performs sell side due diligence services to present findings prior to receiving letters of intent or interest to avoid surprises and potential pricing retrading.
Thinking about selling your company, but unsure of the process and buyer expectations? Our team of seasoned professionals can help set you up for success in the future. We understand the types of information buyers request during the acquisition process and we can help in structuring financial packages to meet those needs.
At times, buyers and sellers may have disagreements about the different aspects of the purchase price – in particular the working capital true-up mechanism. Our team can assist in navigating through these disagreements, serving as a neutral party. We can also assist in analyzing earn-out agreements both at the preparation and payment stages.
Parties to a proposed merger or acquisition (M&A) need to be confident that they understood the tax implications of the transaction before the deal closes and to have a clear roadmap to execute post-merger tax strategies. EHTC’s M&A tax due diligence teams help buyers, sellers and a range of financial institutions and private investors avoid surprises and resolve dealbreakers by thoroughly assessing tax liabilities and identifying potential risks.
Buyer and Sellers alike benefit from EHTC’s M&A tax due diligence and structuring services. Maximizing post-tax proceeds by focusing on structuring M&A transactions in an efficient manner is paramount from a Seller’s perspective. Buy-side structuring is focused on managing risk and providing tax deductions as quickly as possible thereby maximizing annual cash flows and overall returns.
In order to properly plan for the sale of a business it is imperative that all aspects of a business owners’ estate and income tax situation are analyzed. This will insure that all aspects of the planning are coordinated and they work together to meet the overall objectives of the seller.
EHTC can assist with estate planning strategies as follows:
• Review current documents and prepare flowchart as to disposition of assets and potential estate tax exposure.
• Work with Seller to determine their goals with respect to when and how assets should be transferred to Family/Charity and if the current plan meets these goals and develop an overall plan where there is disconnect.
• Review current structure of ownership of the business to determine if any steps need to be taken to reduce the tax impact of a sale.
• Model where the funds from the sale would flow and what tax costs the sale would create.
• Charitable and gift planning
• Assist attorneys in drafting the document(s) to attain the goals of the client.
• Model new flowchart(s) to reflect changes in estate plans. -
Post-transaction financial reporting requirements continue to increase in complexity. Our team of valuation experts have the experience to insure an efficient valuation process without disrupting your audit process. EHTC provides thorough and defensible valuations that stand-up to the scrutiny of the third-party audit review process.
Our team of Accounting Services professionals can assist through the integration process. Whether it is developing financial packages, documenting and updating key processes, or outsourced accounting services, EHTC has you covered.
Transaction Advisory Services Team
Erik Olson
Tax & Advisory Services Partner | CPA/CVA
Mike Young
Tax & Advisory Services Partner | CPA
Ryan McCaslin
Transaction Advisory Services Partner | CPA/CIA/CEPA
Rich Noreen
Family Wealth & Strategic Planning Director | CPA
Tony Krause
Transaction Advisory Services Senior Manager | CPA
Ross Connolly
Transaction Advisory Services Manager | CPA
Brennon Dick
Transaction Advisory Services Manager | CPA
Andrew Kolar
Transaction Advisory Services Associate